tour to russia (Gast)
| | I do not even know with strong your blog greatly that saved me! Thank you To repeat what others have said requires education. To challenge it requires brains. - Marry Pettibone Poole |
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establishment (Gast)
| | I do not even know with strong your blog greatly that helped me. God bless you Family isnt about whose blood you have. Its about who you care about. - Trey Parker and Matt Stone |
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AoaZVRSVyfOAPoo (Gast)
| | Ah well Peter, who knows! someone might write a book on you a hnruded years from now and title it: WHITE YOGI, THE AMAZING LIFE OF PETER FABIAN! Seriously, I think more work should be done in bringing out the stories of these amazing people, about their dedication, hard work and intensive practices, to give a little inspiration to all of us unworthy seekers!! |
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nspFwIOVzzxFvXEzam (Gast)
| | He has no stylist or drsseer. He just lets it flow. And yes, if there is an icon that registers or resonates in the collective psyche of humankind, then He is indeed the archetype for God the Father. Look at the Sistine ceiling by Michelangelo and you'll see Him there in the Creation of Adam.3~HY |
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5kLzfqe8Gec (Gast)
| | Doh, and just after I wrote my own convert for Jerome's Keywords, based upon .I'm a long-term WP user, detpsie my frustration with it as a piece of software. That said: 2.3 is a really good product. Whatever I may think of the schema, the tagging functionality is implemented well, and the XMLRPC api is getting really mature. So to everyone who's contributed to the 2.3 release thanks for your input. It's a really, really great release. |